
Creation of full vehicle models with suspension curves from full MBS models or K&C measurements Validation of numerical models by using telemetry track data Simulation of max performance events and lap time prediction on assigned drive paths and roads Integration of control systems in...

Creation of full vehicle multibody models for handling tests simulations Managing of proper tire models (MF-Tire, CDTire) Simulation of standardized handling maneuvers in steering open loop (step steer, constant velocity cornering, sine swept) and closed loop (double lane change, constant radius cornering) and user...

Creation and simulation of suspension multibody models (i.e. ADAMS/Car) for wheel-travel analysis, static wheel-loads or durability, including: rigid and flexible suspension parts (arms, twist-beam, anti-roll bars) rubber-metal or hydraulic bushings linear and non-linear force components (spring, dampers, jounce stops) Model validation using K&C test rig output...

Assessment of pressure drop in complex geometry and numerical/experimental validation Cylindrical overlapped test sections of metal sheet packed beds for distillation columns: simulation with (wet) and without (dry) liquid film on interface   [video width="640" height="480" mp4="" loop="true" autoplay="true"][/video]...

Modeling and optimization of engine mount systems: modes decoupling, torque roll axis decoupling calculation of forces transmitted through mounts in time and frequency domains numerical models of frequency and amplitude dependent bushings (rubber or hydraulic) multi-objectives optimization by definition of proper cost functions   ...