
Modal parameters (resonances, damping coefficients and mode shapes) are identified during EMA by exciting the structure (impact hammer, shakers) and measuring the dynamic response with accelerometers. Once modal parameter are identified, the following steps are normally proposed to the Customer:   FEM validation according to experimental...

NVH measurements at vehicle-level during lab, dynos and road testing to identify:   Driver critical NVH issues; Propagation paths (structural/airborne) from source to receiver ISO and Customized Metrics correlated to subjective evaluations Powertrain dynamics filtering Suspension dynamics filtering Vehicle dynamic responses (VTF, NTF, Dynamic Stiffnesses)   ...

NVH measurements at powertrain-level during bench or vehicle application:   engine distribution torsional vibration driveline torsional vibration driveline complete NVH characterization (idle and gear rattle, whine, etc) durability testing engine components vibration qualification failure analysis by identifying root cause and structural propagation paths   ...